Fundraising Incentives
Registered Individuals will earn:
- One Jingle Bell Run long sleeve t-shirt.
- One Jingle Bell Run participant medal.
- Jingle Bells
Team Captains will earn:
- First 35 team captains registered will earn a runner's belt.
Fundraisers will earn:
- Top 25 fundraisers - Jingle Bell Run clear drawstring bag with a water bottle and phone armband.
- $150+ fundraisers - name included on group route congratulations signs*
Individuals raising $750+ will earn:
- Access for you and your +1 into VIP area
- Jingle Bell Run personal route congratulations sign*
- Snacks and Reindeer Antlers just for you
- Stage recognition
Teams raising $2500+ will earn:
- Access for the team’s registered walkers into VIP area
- Jingle Bell Run team route walk congratulations sign*
- Snacks and Reindeer Antlers just for your team
- Team table in VIP area
- Stage recognition
*All print materials have deadlines related to printer specifications and run date. All items available for day of run pick-up. No items will be mailed.