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2023 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Rob Remington
Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP
Corporate Chair

Rob Remington maintains a national legal practice encompassing a broad range of business disputes with a focus on complex commercial, construction and real estate litigation. Sophisticated clients with national litigation management experience describe Rob as a “class A” trial lawyer. He has a proven style when it comes to developing cases for trial, jury selection, and connecting with juries on even the most complex of issues. Read More


Quinn Watercutter
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Young Adult Honoree

Quinn is honored to be joining the Jingle Bell Run as the Young Adult Honoree. She was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis at two years old and has been involved with the Arthritis Foundation events since her early years. The Arthritis Foundation has provided countless resources and opportunities for Quinn and her family since her diagnosis. She has enjoyed participating in the Arthritis Walk/Run events and attending Arthritis Foundation camps in her local area. The Arthritis Foundation has helped Quinn to connect with fellow arthritis warriors and understand that she is not in this fight alone.


Parker Campbell
Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis
Youth Honoree

In February of 2022, Parker was diagnosed with juvenile ankylosing spondylitis after a good six months of grueling and constant thigh pain, hip stiffness, and having to drop tennis and call off work. The first two doctors tried medicine, and the third set him up with a physical therapist for a few weeks. After none of it worked, and feeling absolutely hopeless to find something, the doctor finally ordered Parker a CT scan with contrast. They finally diagnosed him with arthritis. Since then he's been on Humira and living like he had before. Parker got back into tennis and work. Parker says "it felt amazing and still does, and I’m very thankful I got the disorder figured out."