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2024 Walk to Cure Arthritis Honorees


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Young Adult Honoree

Maggie was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis at the age of 7. She has been an advocate for the Arthritis Foundation since she was in first grade. She has participated in the Walk to Cure Arthritis for years with her team J.A.M. (Juvenile Arthritis Matters) and has raised thousands of dollars for research and awareness. She was the recipient of the National Juvenile Arthritis Conference Scholarship in 2012 and has been highlighted in The Chronicle Telegram's "Kids with Character" where she shared the journey of her diagnosis and pain management. Maggie still copes with the chronic pain of arthritis, but is able to control it with medication, diet and exercise. She continues her work with the Arthritis Foundation as she knows what a positive impact it has on those living with arthritis.


Polyarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Rheumatoid Arthritis
Youth Honoree

Meet Sophie, an arthritis warrior who in August of 2022, at 4 years old was diagnosed with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis. They thought she only had it in her right knee, fingers and toes but were so very wrong. During the appointment they learned she had it in her neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles and toes. It was progressing quickly. Sophie was a shell of herself. The Arthritis Foundation was an anchor for Sophie and her family during such a difficult time. The Foundation provided the family with such great resources. Resources that helped Sophie understand what was going on with her body and what they could expect from her diagnosis. The Arthritis Foundation brought their family together with other families with arthritis warriors and found we are not alone.