Vicky Andrada Psoriatic Arthritis Adult Honoree Vicky was 40, when she started a journey to complete a Half Marathon in every state, a great way to see the country and meet wonderful people along the way. Vicky had aches and pains for years but thought it was a normal part of being active and getting older. It started with a swollen knee, then the other, and progressed to the point where she hurt everywhere and couldn’t explain why. It took multiple doctors and almost 6 months until Vicky was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. “At my worst, multiple joints hurt and moving was torture. Daily tasks like getting out of bed, standing up from a seated position, or simply walking became a challenge. I have good days, and some days I need to stay in bed. I’ve learned to listen to my body and adapt my activities accordingly.” Psoriatic Arthritis put a pause on Vicky’s 50 State quest, but she is determined to finish her journey even if it takes me a little longer to complete. Join or support Vicky and team Shorty's Achy Joints, in the fight against arthritis. |