2019 Walk to Cure Arthritis Honorees


Dr. Elinor Mody
Reliant Medical Group
Medical Honoree  

As a specialist in rheumatology, Dr. Mody is very excited about the innovative treatments she can offer her patients. “In many ways, it’s like the golden age of rheumatology. It used to be that you could tell a patient had rheumatoid arthritis even when they were sitting in the waiting room – it was that noticeable. Nowadays, you really can’t tell because people do so well with the disease when they have proper treatment.”

Dr. Mody treats all forms of arthritis at Reliant. She also does joint aspirations ad injections (including injecting and draining bursa). Dr. Mody is a big believer in exercise as therapy. “At every appointment I want to discuss exercise and what patients are doing. Are they doing core strengthening, quadriceps strengthening, and balance training? Exercise is very much a part of treatment in arthritis.”

Dr. Mody says the part of her work that she enjoys most is helping her patients each day. “I have patients that I have been seeing for over 20 years. I know all about their kids, they know all about mine. Seeing patients is really where I get my energy from.”

Karina Robles
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Honoree  

Karina Robles was 14-year-old when her arthritis symptoms started, unfortunately the family had no answer of what was wrong with her. She became a teen mom at the age of 16 and after delivering a beautiful baby boy her life changed forever.

Karina is an Arthritis WARRIOR! She has lived with rheumatoid arthritis for 25 years . Karina has had 2 foot torsion surgeries, total hip replacement, elbow replacement and both her wrists have been fused. Her 15th surgery made her realize that Arthritis is bigger than her. She feels that now is the time to tell her story and to use the platform before her. Karina is grateful to have found the Arthritis Foundation as she now has the right tools, research but most importantly the right support to help her better understand the disease and knows that she is not the only one.