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2024 Walk to Cure Arthritis Honorees


Thomas Ferro, MD
Bone & Joint Center
Medical Honoree

Los Angeles knee doctor, Thomas Ferro has traveled extensively abroad for training on the latest joint surgery advancements. He is an expert in Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, surgical navigation, ceramic joint surfaces, and other state-of-the-art techniques. These approaches fulfill his goal of helping patients complete the treatment process faster – so they can heal and return to full function more quickly than ever before.

Not only does Dr. Ferro possess a treatment approach that yields better outcomes for patients, but he’s also known for his caring approach to medicine. He believes in educating patients to prepare them for treatment, so he begins each consultation with a discussion about the patient’s condition and the various treatment options available. 


Juvenile Arthritis
Youth Honoree

Eager to walk and ready to conquer the world by 11 months old, Olivia was unable to walk on her own until she was 15 months. With noticeable difficulty of balancing and walking, the doctors diagnosed Olivia with juvenile arthritis in her knee.

Annual flare-ups to her knee led to continuous doctor visits, physical therapy appointments, and medication. Olivia continues to push through as she participates in extra curriculum activities and sports.

Always referenced as a “sweet” and “silly” girl, Olivia loves to run around and jump as much as she can showing there is nothing that will stop her from having fun.