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2024 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Jayla Lopez
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Teen Honoree

Jayla Lopez was born on January 14, 2008 with two forms of congenital hearts disease. At the end 2022, Jayla began experiencing severe pain within her knee, hips and ankles. Jayla had a consultation with Dr. Ganguli at Jersey Shore University Medical Center. After multiple scans and tests, she was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Jayla has struggled through the pain, but it doesn’t stop her from doing the things she loves, like volunteering, going to the mall with friends, and being president of the Brick Antlers.


Harper Boxer
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Youth Honoree

Harper was diagnosed at age 2 with juvenile idiopathic arthritis - oligoarticular type. Thanks to her amazing doctors, Harper was lucky to be diagnosed at an early onset. Since then she has had 2 cortisone shots in her knee and is currently in unmedicated remission. This fall Harper starts soccer for the first time! Her family remains optimistically cautious and is very proud of her!

Join or support Harper and her team, Harper's Helpers!