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In memory of Christiana Powery

Team Also Touch was created in 2006 following the tragic death of Christiana at only 10 years old (February 9, 1995 - December 14, 2005).  Dwight and Maria Powery, her parents, are wonderful people and continue to raise money and awareness for the diseases Christiana had and causes that she cared about through the Also Touch Foundation, created in 2018.

2014 video for Dwight and Maria's CCC in memory of Christiana

Annie Yung took over the "captain-ship" of Also Touch after the 2017 CCC with Dwight and Maria's blessing... and we continue to tell her story and remember her in all our adventures.

Two questions we are often asked are:

1. Why is the team named "Also Touch"? While in the hospital in 2005, Christiana kept a journal full of prayers.  You can read the journal here: Christiana's journal. This is the last paragraph she wrote.  "Also touch" are the last words - an unfinished prayer that we aspire to continue through our team.  "Dear Jesus, I thank you for who you are. I thank you for saving me from my sins and healing me. I believe that you have the power to heal me and help me to become a better Christian. Keep my spirits up with all the encouraging prayers and help me have the strength to lift my hands up higher and higher to you. Bless the little baby next door in the hospital with the unknown liquid inside his body. Keep his safe and heal him. Also touch"

2. Why all the SpongeBobs? When Christiana was asked what she hoped for 5 years from her 10th birthday she replied, "I hope that I will be a good driver... that high school won't be too hard... and that I still like SpongeBob." Team Also Touch rides with SpongeBob beanie babies attached to their bike bags or bars to have a tangible reminder of the young girl who cared so deeply for others and enjoyed SpongeBob Squarepants so much.

Thank you for visiting our team page.  If you'd like to read more about Christiana, please visit  

If you would like to join our team, please contact Annie Yung: 

We look forward to meeting you soon!

If you would like to make a donation, click the orange "SUPPORT US" button at the top of this page.  Any gift you make is greatly appreciated.  God bless.




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