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Please help me conquer arthritis! 

Cameron Miller is in 9th grade and loves watching sports, playing basketball, fishing and has always loved all animals from fish to cows and everything in between! He was diagnosed with JIA when he was just 6 years old. For almost 10 years, Cameron was on various different treatment plans. Several years that included taking so many pills at a time that it would make him sick just thinking about it. It also included getting shots at home from mom. It is so much for a young child. Always some kind of appointment to go to...routine appointments, blood work, eye appointments, MRI's and steroid injections. He has endured multiple injections in his jaw, knees and ankles. But after years of treatment, Cameron has officially been off all medications for one year!!! He still had a flare during that time, but we were able to treat it with an injection. He is so thankful that appointments have slowed down.

Cameron's arthritis has caused structural damage to his jaw and he sees a jaw surgeon at Riley. His rheumatologist and jaw surgeon work together to closely monitor any changes. Cameron knows he has a chronic illness, but still lives a normal life. He understands that we all have different struggles. Arthritis (at times) may slow him down, but has never stopped him. He has always focused on what he can do and not what he can't. He says, "you're going to have good days and bad days. Don't let it stop you and persevere through it." As hard as it is as parents to watch your child endure so much, we remember to focus on all of the blessings and we can see the light and all of the goodness that has come from this journey.

This is Cameron's 8th year participating in the walk and he is honored to be a National Honoree. He was the Youth Honoree for the Indianapolis walk in 2019 and as a family we've remained involved with the Arthritis Foundation. Cameron and his Walk to Cure Arthritis team, "Walk this way for Cameron" have raised $24,000+ to support their mission and most importantly to raise awareness. 

Please consider donating and/or walking with us to support Cameron and to raise awareness about juvenile arthritis. Your donations will bring us closer to finding a cure for this disease that affects 300,000 children. Cameron is grateful for every donation! The support he receives is so important to him and anyone that lives with a chronic illness and it encourages him to stay involved. There are advances made each year that bring us closer to a cure. Thank you!


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