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2024 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Wendy De La Pena
Loma Linda University Health
Medical Honoreee

Bio Coming Soon 


Hafiz Kassam, MD
Hoag Orthopedic Institute
Medical Honoree

Dr. Hafiz Kassam specializes in shoulder and elbow joint replacement as well as advanced arthroscopy and traumatic reconstruction. He has authored more than 75 original scientific research studies, technique guides, and textbook chapters, and sits on the editorial board for the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: Seminars in Arthroplasty. An avid sportsman himself, and having competed internationally as a ranked middleweight boxer, Dr. Kassam is passionate about continuing care for athletes. He is currently a Ringside Physician for USA Boxing and is regularly invited as a coverage physician for mixed martial arts, jiu-jitsu, and other combat sport events.


Stevan Smith
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Honoree

Stevan is honored to be recognized by the Arthritis Foundation, he has been navigating his journey with rheumatoid arthritis since he was diagnosis at 49, after years of cycling and gradual decline in his abilities. Stevan's treatment has included everything from anti-inflammatories to biologics, with various challenges along the way, like a MRSA infection. Despite the hurdles, he stays positive and committed to advocating for better resources and treatments. Stevan refuses to see himself as a victim; instead, he focuses on gratitude for his health, family, and support. He is supporting the Arthritis Foundation and participating in the Jingle Bell Run because too few resources are devoted to learning more about arthritis and developing better meds, discovering causes, and, hopefully, eventual cures. He says "Keep fighting the fight and know you’re not alone."


Jonah Arvizo
Juvenile Polyarticular Arthritis
Youth Honoree

Jonah is an active and curious young boy who aspires to be a scientist and a basketball player. He wants people to know that he is just a “normal” 10-year-old kid, but also see his strength and resilience. In 2018, at just 4 years old, he developed a sudden limp and he lost the ability to move his finger. In January of 2019, he was given the diagnosis of juvenile polyarticular arthritis. Jonah hopes that his story will help to inspire others to unite to find new medications and treatment for kids with arthritis so that they too have the same opportunities to live pain-free, just like any other child.


Quinn Brennan
Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Youth Honoree

Quinn loves swimming, going to the beach, and hanging out with friends. At age four, Quinn started having unexplainable fevers, rashes, and body-wide inflammation to the point where she could hardly walk or use her hands. Finally, at age five, Quinn's diagnosis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) was confirmed. Thanks to treatments, she can be a normal kid again and participate in her favorite sports, gymnastics and figure skating. It is our sincere wish that Quinn's story broadens awareness of this disease and that it spreads hope to others so that they know they are not alone.