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2024 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Felicia Johnson, RN
Comer Children's Hospital
Medical Honoree

Felicia is a registered nurse in the Pediatric Rheumatology Clinic at Comer Children's Hospital. As a rheumatology nurse, she provides nursing advice, support, and education to patients and families.

Felicia says, “The Arthritis Foundation has been a valuable resource for me in my nursing practice, especially when counseling patients who are newly diagnosed. I am able to provide reliable information, support, and community connections for patients and their families.”


Susan Morgan
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Honoree

Susan was diagnosed with arthritis in the 8th grade after a pediatrician referred her to a pediatric rheumatologist at Michael Reese Hospital. Her original treatment involved 11 aspirin a day, splints on her hands/wrists at night and dropping out of sports related activities. Her journey has been a roller coaster ride. At times she had pain doing the simplest things like opening a car door; at other times, she had little to no pain and was able to complete three marathons. She is currently in remission.