2022 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Sara Jurek, MD
Orthopedic Surgeon
Medical Honoree  

Dr. Jurek is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon fellowship trained in advanced shoulder surgery, arthroscopy, and sports medicine. She served as a team physician for the LA Lakers, LA Galaxy and LA Sparks professional sports teams and currently serves as a team physician for the Seattle Storm. Within her orthopedic surgery practice, she focuses on providing the highest quality of care while fostering an honest, informed relationship and dialogue. Dr. Jurek specializes in shoulder surgery and treating patients with shoulder problems; a large portion of her practice consists of helping patients with shoulder arthritis. As a physician and orthopedic surgeon Dr. Jurek’s goal is to return her patients to their activities as safely and efficiently as possible. seattleshoulderdoc.com


Lynn White
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Honoree  

Lynn was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in 2011 at age 27.

She woke up one morning unable to move her fingers, and the symptoms spread to her feet. Her primary care doctor referred her to a rheumatologist. This was a challenge, because most providers were unavailable for months. Her overall RA experience has inspired her to pass on what she has learned to other patients who might be struggling to navigate their medical journey. Lynn has been volunteering as a Patient Family Partner at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health since the beginning of 2016. Lynn is passionate about teaching patients to be active in their care and advocating for those living with invisible disabilities.


Joni Mason
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Youth Honoree  

Joni’s body has reacted to illnesses with inflammation since she was 18 months old. With the smallest cold or virus, she’d also get inflammation and limp when she walked. She became very ill when she was 2.5 years old. She was hospitalized and later diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease. The inflammation did not fully remit and she had to be hospitalized again for unexplained pain in her hips. A few months later she was diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). Joni is now 7 years old and enjoys playing soccer, gymnastics, swimming, running, and even tackled piano - she doesn’t let anything get in her way. Because of this, her family calls her JoniBeast.

Join or support Joni and Team JoniBeast on her personal fundraising page.