2021 Jingle Bell Run Honorees


Theresa Barnett
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Adult Honoree

Theresa Barnett was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). She was put on biologics, to aggressively manage her arthritis within months of her diagnosis. While teaching water aerobics, she was introduced to the Arthritis Foundation. She learned how to help manage arthritic pain through water exercise. She is APAI and AEA certified. She has been able to help many people and has benefited from the warm soothing water herself. She finds enjoyment in every class she teaches. She continues her own journey with rheumatoid arthritis, with biologics, exercise, and proper nutrition. She knows this disease has no cure yet, but she is a warrior and continues on.


Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Teen Honoree

Natalie was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) in July of 2018. The JIA moved to both her wrists, shoulder, and her temporomandibular joints in her jaw the following years. Her rheumatologist has been able to control the inflammation in her wrists and shoulder through medication. However, her jaw continues to be a challenge in controlling the inflammation and pain that she lives with every day. Through many procedures, surgeries, and endless medication adjustments these doctors have helped her stay positive, healthy during a pandemic, and even on track academically.

She wants to give back to the Arthritis Foundation that continues to do so much for her in my most difficult times. She hopes to see you all on December 4th at Westchester Community College.